Now it´s high season in Gothenburgs archipelago:
Vinga Lunch to Lunch:
Fyrfolkets By c:a 20 guests
Biskopsgården/Prickskjulet c:a12 guests
Väderöarna c:a 15 guests
Vrångö c:a 12 guests
The magic Finnskogen/Lekvattnet​
In co operation with Unike Finnskog we can offer various activities and treats that will enhance your stay with us.
Click on the button and see the substantional examples of activities
Our Digital/Praktical Hunting school
Next starting dates
25/9 (fullbokad), 23-26/10, 6-9/11 samt 4/12-7/12
We run this course once a month during the autumn as well as spring
Whiskey trails & Jaktresor
Toppfågeljakt Lekvattnet (16/1-19/1-25)
Skreifiske Lofoten
Buckjakt & Whiskyprovning Pitlochry, Scotland
Maybe cooking class at your office
Kick off and promotion activities
Give me a call so we can develop an intresting and all with your ideeas and agenda
Jag är alltid fysiskt närvarande på alla Events, vi tar hand om alla detaljer.
Du kan då ha focus på er agenda och tillsammans med era medarbetare få en trygg upplevelse.
+46 708-402335